Title: Commando Dog-HOODLUM
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Shooter
Developer: indie_games_studio
Publisher: indie_games_studio
Release Date: 10 Jul, 2019
Languages: English, German, Portuguese, Russian, Traditional Chinese
File Size: 1.61 GB / Single Link Compressed
Free Download Commando Dog PC Game – Commando Dog isometric, colorful action, with a top view. With modern graphics, and excellent music from rock artists. The protagonist dog, nicknamed Dobi, is tired of the constant vampire raids. After the next raid, he decides to stand on 2 hind legs, put on his equipment, and pick up a cool shotgun …
Commando Dog isometrik, aksi penuh warna, dengan tampilan atas. Dengan grafis modern, dan musik yang sangat baik dari artis rock.
Anjing protagonis, dijuluki Dobi, bosan dengan penggerebekan vampir yang konstan. Setelah serangan berikutnya, ia memutuskan untuk berdiri dengan 2 kaki belakang, mengenakan peralatannya, dan mengambil senapan dingin. Kemudian dia pergi ke sarang para vampir untuk menyelamatkan semua anak anjing yang dicuri.
Screenshot :
System Requirements :
• Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
• OS: Windows 7/8/10
• Processor: Intel CORE i3
• Memory: 4 GB RAM
• Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 820m
• Storage: 4 GB available space
Additional Notes: 64-Bit
• Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
• OS: Windows 7/8/10
• Processor: Intel CORE i5
• Memory: 6 GB RAM
• Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 920mx
• Storage: 4 GB available space
Additional Notes: 64-Bit
Download :
Part 1 | http://biastonu.com/2Jp1 |
Cara Install :
1. Buka arsip
2. Pasang atau bakar .iso
3. Jalankan penginstal kami, Setup.exe
4. Blokir game di firewall Anda
5. Jalankan game.
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